Seks nationers arkiv

Hellige lange sider Batman, det her bliver en skønhed! I gamle dage skrev vi vores egne referater fra alle Six Nations-kampene, mest inspireret af eftermiddage på pubben, hvor vi så kampene med vores venner! Denne side vil forblive et arkiv for alle disse Six Nations-kampe.

Six Nations 2020, uge 1 - opsamling

Så er vi i gang med endnu en Six Nations, og for at gøre det hele endnu mere interessant har vi fået nye trænerteams til at stå i spidsen for 2 af de årlige topspillere. Hvordan vil Irland og Wales klare sig under ny ledelse? Hvordan vil England klare sig efter et stærkt VM, som blev til lort i finalen? Først var Wales vært for Italien, og for at være ærlig blev det en af de kedeligste Six Nations-kampe i lang tid. Italienerne fortsatte med deres patetiske udebaneform og gav ingen udfordring mod et walisisk hold, der satte point til fra næsten første til sidste minut. Tingene blev meget mere interessante i den næste kamp, og hvis bare Skotland kunne holde fast i bolden, når det gjaldt allermest, kunne de have fået en meget velfortjent, men ikke særlig sjælden sejr over irerne. Irland var selv ret dårlige og vil kun se dette som en kamp for at komme ud af fængslet. Skotland så tæt på, men så langt væk igen. I den sidste kamp i den første weekend rejste verdensmesterskabets nummer to, England, til Frankrig. til Frankrig. I ægte Six Nations-stil viste det sig at være en kamp i to halvlege. Frankrig var fantastisk i første halvleg, og i stil med deres kamp mod Wales sidste år opbyggede de en solid føring. sidste år opbygge en solid føring. I anden halvleg kom England tilbage i kampen, Frankrig vaklede lidt, og stillingen blev tættere. Men ikke nok set med engelske øjne. synspunkt, og Frankrig tog en velfortjent sejr. Med Irland, England ude, Wales uprøvet og Frankrig, der ser bedre ud, end de har gjort i lang tid, er der lagt op til runde 2 i næste weekend.

Six Nations 2020 uge 2 - opsamling

Uge 2 af Six Nations og en massiv storm havde helt sikkert en stor indflydelse på kvaliteten af kampene. Wales kom godt fra start i uge 1 men som altid kan det være svært og sandsynligvis uklogt at bedømme et hold, der har vundet over Italien. Ude mod Irland i denne uge så waliserne ret tandløse ud og blev slået godt og grundigt. Irland leverede en meget bedre præstation end mod Skotland, og man ville ikke satse på, at de kunne levere en Grand Slam. Skotland og England spillede en forfærdelig kamp under forfærdelige forhold, hvor England lige akkurat vandt straffesparkskonkurrencen. Helt klart en bedre præstation end mod Frankrig, men stadig langt fra deres VM-niveau. I den sidste kamp udspillede et modstræbende Frankrig et meget bedre Italien, og lad os se det i øjnene: De kunne ikke være meget værre end i uge 1 mod Wales. i det mindste lykkedes det dem i denne uge at få nogle point på tavlen. Så i slutningen af uge 2 har vi stadig Irland og Frankrig med en chance for en Grand Slam!

Six Nations 2020 uge 3: Opsamling

Runde 3 af Six Nations 2020, og du vil se flere opfordringer til, at denne turnering bliver blandet sammen. Endnu en gang lykkedes det ikke Italien at få et eneste point, Denne gang var det på hjemmebane mod Skotland for at gøre ondt værre. Det var en rimelig tæt kamp i store perioder af kampen, men Italien så bare aldrig ud til at skære igennem. Alt i alt ikke en strålende reklame for Six Nations. På den anden side spillede Wales og Frankrig en helt fantastisk kamp senere samme dag. Waliserne ønskede at opbygge momentum til Six Nations-titlen vidste, at dette var et must at vinde, samtidig med at de ødelagde Frankrigs grand slam-håb. Hvad der fulgte var en kamp, hvor Frankrig skød ud af blokkene igen, før Wales trak dem tilbage og var tæt på endnu en sejr over franskmændene... men ikke denne gang. I det, som mange neutrale ser som retfærdighed, hang franskmændene bare på, mens waliserne plagede dommeren som en flok klynkende fodboldspillere. klynkende fodboldspillere nok til at vende den gennemsnitlige neutrale fan mod dem. Weekendens sidste kamp var endnu et brag af en kamp, hvor Irland besøgte England og spillede en rigtig hård kamp. Hvis det ikke var for et par fejl i forbindelse med en løs bold, ville irerne stadig have haft en chance for at vinde grand slam, men som det var, udnyttede England alle fejlene og var i sidste ende værdige vindere.

Six Nations 2020 uge 4 - opsamling

Officielt den længste runde i Six Nations' historie i det, der også vil vise sig at blive den længste turnering. Kan nogen overhovedet huske begyndelsen marts, hvor de første to kampe blev spillet? Under alle omstændigheder fik England en smal sejr på hjemmebane over waliserne, som gjorde et fantastisk comeback i anden halvleg. Det holder England med i opløbet om Six Nations 2020. I den anden kamp før Covid-19-pausen spillede Skotland en fantastisk kamp hjemme mod Frankrig, en af deres bedste Six Nations-præstationer i årevis. I den sidste kamp, der blev spillet i sidste uge, holdt Irland liv i håbet om titlen med en bonuspointsejr over italienerne. Det samme igen i næste uge mod Frankrig vil se dem løfte titlen, uanset hvad der sker i England-kampen.

Six Nations 2020 uge 5 - opsamling

Det var værd at vente på! Sikke en måde at afslutte den længste Six Nations-turnering i historien på. Skotland var fremragende mod et walisisk hold, der virkede som om, de var over det hele, men det var kun starten på kampen. England var svingende, men gjorde til sidst nok på udebane mod Italien til at sikre den bonuspointsejr, de havde brug for, for at gøre turneringens sidste kamp interessant. Og derfra blev tingene lidt slørede. Men det, jeg husker, er, at Six Nations ikke blev afgjort før i de sidste minutter af den sidste kamp, og det er noget, vi har oplevet i alle Six Nations. Lad os bare håbe, at Six Nations i 2021 er lidt mere standardiseret i forhold til, hvornår kampene spilles.

Resultater fra Six Nations 2020

Lør 01. februar 14:15 - Wales 42 - 0 Italien (BBC)
Lør 01. februar 16:45 - Irland 19 - 12 Skotland (ITV)
Søn 02. feb 15:00 - Frankrig 24 - 17 England (BBC)
Lør 08. februar 14:15 - Irland 24 - 14 Wales (ITV)
Lør 08. feb 16:45 - Skotland 6 - 13 England (BBC)
Søn 09. feb 15:00 - Frankrig 35 - 22 Italien (BBC)
Lør 22. februar 14:15 - Italien 0 - 17 Skotland (ITV)
Lør 22. februar 16:45 - Wales 23 - 27 Frankrig (BBC)
Søn 23. februar 15:00 - England 24 - 12 Irland (ITV)
Lør 07. marts 16:45 - England 33 - 30 Wales (ITV)
Søn 08. mar 15:00 - Skotland 28 - 17 Frankrig (BBC)
Lør 24. okt 14:15 - Irland 50 - 17 Italien (ITV)
Lør 31. okt 14:15 - Wales 10 - 14 Skotland (BBC)
Lør 31. oktober 16:45 - Italien 5 - 34 England (ITV)
Lør 31. oktober 20:05 - Frankrig 35 - 27 Irland (BBC)

Six Nations 2019, uge 1, opsamling

Jeg har altid sagt, at man aldrig nogensinde vil se et spil som rugby, hvor man deler første og anden halvleg op. Det ser ud til, at når først et mønster i spillet er etableret, forbliver det sådan, indtil trænerne får styr på spillerne. Du vil ikke se et bedre eksempel på dette end den første kamp i dette års Six Nations, da Wales rejste til Frankrig. Frankrig var majestætisk i første halvleg, hvor de løb efter behag gennem Wales og fandt alle mulige huller. Wales var på den anden side en katastrofe. Efter pausen vil du aldrig se en kamp med et større rollebytte. Da Wales fandt formen, faldt Frankrig i stumper og stykker, og slutresultatet på 24 -19 til Wales smigrede Frankrig. Utroligt efter første halvleg! I de to andre kampe gav Skotland deres fans håb om et endnu bedre Six Nations end i turneringen i 2018 med en hårdt tilkæmpet sejr hjemme over Italien. Mens England slog sidste års vindere og grand slam-indehavere Irland og fik et bonuspoint i processen og gjorde sig selv til favoritter til at tage dette års titel. Jeg kan ikke vente til næste uge!

Six Nations 2019 uge 2 - opsamling

Skotland, de må drive deres fans til vanvid! Efter en rigtig god start ville man tilgive deres fans for at tro, at de havde en god chance på hjemmebane mod et Irland, der ikke kunne ikke mødte op mod England? Men nej. De kom aldrig rigtig i gang, og for at være ærlig var det langt hen ad vejen den dårligste kamp i dette års Six Nations. Næste gang Et meget forandret Wales-hold rejste til Italien, hvor de kom på hårdt arbejde. Kampen var jævnbyrdig til langt ind i anden halvleg, hvor det så ud til, at den ekstra kondition på det walisiske hold slog igennem, og til sidst vandt de overbevisende 26-15. Weekendens sidste kamp var en rigtig gammeldags søndagspubdag, hvor vi blev forkælet med en næsten rekordstor præstation fra England. Formmæssigt var Frankrig langt mere i anden halvleg end i første halvleg, som de spillede mod Wales. De enorme mængder plads bagved blev udnyttet af England, der hurtigt fik et bonuspoint. Og som jeg har sagt før, ser det ud til at tage en halvleg at ændre en kamp, hvorfor kunne de franske spillere ikke selv se, hvad der skete, da England fortsatte med at sparke ind i de samme rum? Det var sgu indlysende selv for de mest afslappede fans, men det tog indtil pausen, før nogen sagde et ord med på vejen, og at spillet i det mindste blev lidt tættere i anden halvleg. Alligevel var 44-6 til England velfortjent og kunne helt ærligt sagtens have været mere. Pause i næste uge og så ser det ud til at kunne blive en titelafgørelse, når Wales er vært for England.

Six Nations 2019 uge 3 - opsamling

Er der nogen, der kan stoppe Wales? De synes altid at gøre lige præcis nok til at vinde, og i denne uge fandt England på den hårde måde ud af, at 40 gode minutter mod et hold der ser ud til at have glemt, hvordan man taber, ikke er godt nok! Ligesom mod Italien og Frankrig så de faktisk ikke så overbevisende ud, men de vandt altid. altid på toppen, i dette tilfælde med et ekstra skub, der gav en sejr på 21-13 point. Apropos Frankrig, så vendte de tilbage til scoringsformen (og det samme kan siges om Skotland :)) med en rigtig god 27 - 19 hjemmesejr over skotterne. I den anden kamp i weekenden var Italien faktisk i spidsen mod Irland indtil pausen, men bedre kondition gjorde udslaget til sidst, hvor irerne lige akkurat en sejr på 26-16. Hvis man ser på formen, burde næste uges kampe alle være ret ligetil, hvilket betyder, at vi ender med en super lørdag med Six Nations den 16. marts.

Six Nations 2019 uge 4 - opsamling

Med en Grand Slam stadig i sigte kvalte Wales livet ud af Skotland i denne uge. I hvad der var en virkelig god kamp at se på, dominerede Wales første halvleg. mens Skotland brugte hjemmebanefordelen til at omgruppere i anden halvleg, men det var ikke nok. Som jeg sagde før, ser Wales bare ikke ud til at vide, hvordan man taber, og kom over stregen med 18 point mod 11. England på den anden side holdt deres spinkle titelhåb i live med endnu en bonuspointsejr, de ødelagde et meget under niveau. Italien i første halvleg, og på trods af at de slappede lidt af, vandt de stadig med 57-14. Helt ærligt, det kunne og burde måske have været endnu værre for italienerne. Den sidste kamp i weekenden gav os endnu en chance for at se det bipolære franske hold. En skændsel i første halvleg, hvor de knap nok så ud til at komme ud af deres egne 22. I anden halvleg forsøgte de i det mindste, men endte alligevel med at tabe 26-14 til et irsk hold, der, hvis de kan slå Wales i deres sidste kamp, stadig har en chance for at vinde Six Nations-titlen. Jeg tror, at at dette års Six Nations har givet os flere kampe i to halvlege end nogen anden, og det burde give en fantastisk superlørdag med kampe i sidste runde.

Six Nations 2019 uge 5 - opsamling

Jeg tror aldrig, jeg har set en hel dag med Six Nations-rugby, der involverede så mange følelser, op- og nedture, og hvad der kunne have været et dødt løb blev til en af de bedste kampe i international rugby i nyere tid. Det hele startede med, at Italien leverede en meget mere modig præstation (på hjemmebane selvfølgelig) mod de bipolære franskmænd. Det var stadig ikke helt nok til at få sejren, og med stadig flere mennesker, der råber på nedrykning/oprykning i Six Nations, er deres dage så talte? Forhåbentlig ikke, for der er fremskridt, og at tabe 14-25 mod et fransk hold, der mødte op, er ingen skændsel. Nu vi taler om at møde op hvad skete der med irerne? I det, der skulle have været dagens mest dramatiske kamp, skulle et genopstået irsk hold (Grand Slam-vindere sidste år) spille rollen som festbremse for waliserne. rollen som festbremse for waliserne. Det skete ikke helt, gjorde det? Waliserne var på toppen i alle 80 minutter, og der var stort set ingen dramatik, da de vandt 25-7, gennemførte Grand Slam og kom i finalen. Grand Slam og gjorde dagens sidste kamp ligegyldig ... troede vi i hvert fald. Det, der fulgte, kan virkelig ikke beskrives med ord, andet end at fortælle, hvor meget international rugby i 2 halvlege kan fylde. I stedet vil jeg foreslå, at du søger efter højdepunkterne og nyder en klassiker! For mig var vi omkring 10 pints på det tidspunkt og var godt på vej gennem et par rom og cola for at skåle for den gamle mand, så chancen for at se højdepunkterne var meget værdsat. Den perfekte afslutning på endnu en strålende Six Nations-turnering.

Resultater fra Six Nations 2019

Fre 01st Feb 20:00 - Frankrig 19 - 24 Wales (BBC)
Lør 02. feb 14:15 - Skotland 33 - 20 Italien (BBC)
Lør 02. februar 16:45 - Irland 20 - 32 England (ITV)
Lør 09. feb 14:15 - Skotland 13 - 22 Irland (BBC)
Lør 09. februar 16:45 - Italien 15 - 26 Wales (ITV)
Søn 10. februar 15:00 - England 44 - 8 Frankrig (ITV)
Lør 23. februar 14:15 - Frankrig 27 - 10 Skotland (BBC)
Lør 23. februar 16:45 - Wales 21 - 13 England (BBC)
Søn 24. februar 15:00 - Italien 16 - 26 Irland (ITV)
Lør 09. marts 14:15 - Skotland 11 - 18 Wales (BBC)
Lør 09. marts 16:45 - England 57 - 14 Italien (ITV)
Søn 10. marts 15:00 - Irland 26 - 14 Frankrig (ITV)
Lør 16. marts 12:30 - Italien 14 - 25 Frankrig (ITV)
Sat 16th Mar 14:45 – Wales 25 – 7 Ireland (BBC)
Sat 16th Mar 17:00 – England 38 – 38 Scotland (ITV)

Six Nations 2017 Week 1 Round-Up

Game of the week? Easy, Scotland vs Ireland in the Six Nations opener! Scotland got of to an absolute flyer in the first half but as they looked to tire from early in the second and the Irish pegged then back it was all set for the type of disapointment that the Scottish have gotten used to. Except something happened that doesn’t happen very often at elite level sport, Scotland regained the momentum and took the lead again, holding on for a first Six Nations win over the Irish in a long time. Elsewhere the complacancy many English fans were worried about seemed to materialise and they were extremely lucky to get away with a 3 point victory over a French team that was very much old school French. The final game of the weekend saw Wales run out a pretty standard victory over the Italians in the second half having been given a scare in the first. Before the Six Nations started a lot of people were saying that the Ireland England game in the last weekend was likely to be the decider, perhaps not anymore?

Six Nations 2017 Week 2 Round-Up

Another brilliant weekend of Six Nations rugby, 2 titanic games that could have gone either way and one game that brought in to question the idea of opening up the possibility of “relegation” from the Six Nations? After Italy ran out of steam against Wales they were expected to put up strong resistance at home to Ireland, alas it never happened and they were destroyed with Ireland running in 9 tries in the process. Italy now have a trip to Twickenham to look forward to! The other games were much closer, Wales were brilliant for 75 minutes of their game against England but just couldn’t hold on. It was a storming game to watch where the dominance switched from one team to the other. That result puts England on a record making 16 match winning run with Italy to come next. The final match of the weekend saw France follow up their good performance against England with a win over a Scottish team that had shocked Ireland in the first week. Scotland were ravaged with head injuries during the game and it shows how far they have come in that it took 2 late penalties by the French to finally settle the match.

Six Nations 2017 Week 3 Round-Up

Scotland tank Wales, Ireland build on their demolition of Italy to beat France and England beat Italy in an unconvincing performance to make it 10 wins in a row and equal the Six Nations record.

Six Nations 2017 Week 4 Round-Up

Wales played a stormer to beat Ireland and give England the chance to secure back to back Six Nations titles which they duly did in a commanding performance against Scotland. For the first time in this years tournament every element of the English game ticked in to place giving them a record breaking 11th straight victory in the tournament. In the other game France followed through on a routine victory over Italy which prompted yet more questions about Italy’s status in the Six Nations.

Six Nations 2017 Week 5 Round-Up

Now that is how you sign out of a Six Nations tournament! With nothing more than second place to play for the last two games were two of the closest of the entire tournament, with France and Wales breaking the record for the longest game, it took a whole extra 20 minutes until France finally snatched the win from a visibly shocked Welsh. That just left the Irish to upset the English in what was a hugely tense and close game, the 13 to 9 scoreline a fair reflection of went down on the pitch, so close to St Patricks day it just had to be! No record wins for the English, no back to back grand slams, the Irish delighted although it has to be said as a neutral it’s hard to understand WHY the English fans are so hated yet the Irish loved? You couldn’t slip a piece of paper in the gap between the levels of arrogance of both sets of fans (certainly where I was watching) so it’s a bit of a mystery?

Six Nations 2017 Results

Sat 4th Feb 14:25 – Scotland 27 – 22 Ireland (BBC)
Sat 4th Feb 16:50 – England 19 – 16 France (ITV)
Sun 5th Feb 14:00 – Italy 7 – 33 Wales (ITV)
Sat 11th Feb 14:25 – Italy 10 – 63 Ireland (ITV)
Sat 11th Feb 16:50 – Wales 16 – 21 England (BBC)
Sun 12th Feb 15:00 – France 22 – 16 Scotland (BBC)
Sat 25th Feb 14:25 – Scotland 29 – 13 Wales (BBC)
Sat 25th Feb 16:50 – Ireland 10 – 9 France (ITV)
Sun 26th Feb 15:00 – England 36 – 15 Italy (ITV)
Fri 10th Mar 20:05 – Wales 22 – 9 Ireland (BBC)
Sat 11th Mar 13:30 – Italy 18 – 40 France (ITV)
Sat 11th Mar 16:00 – England 61 – 21 Scotland (ITV)
Sat 18th Mar 12:30 – Scotland 29 – 0 Italy (BBC)
Sat 18th Mar 14:25 – France 20 – 18 Wales (ITV)
Sat 18th Mar 17:00 – Ireland 13 – 9 England (ITV)

Six Nations 2016 Week 1 Round-up

There is one golden rule in TV, if you need a pundit to tell you how exciting something is then there is every chance it’s just not that exciting. This was very true of the first week of the 2016 Six Nations. Those of us hoping for a Northern Hemisphere backlash into exciting rugby after the World Cup shambles were left a little disapointed. Of course there were some highlights, Italy very nearly turning over France away from home and a very rare draw in the Ireland vs Wales game but at the end of the day the first weekend was definitely a slow burner. At this stage the teams have more to lose than to win so hopefully next week things will pick up and we’ll see a little more running with the ball.

Six Nations 2016 Week 2 Round-up

Week 2 and things started to heat up a bit. Despite a lack of free flowing rugby the French, Irish slug match resulted in a very close game with France just edging it depsite falling 6 points behind twice. Two first half injuries have cost Ireland any chance of winning the Six Nations having only 1 point from their first 2 games. France meanwhile are two for two, but far from convincing. The Wales vs Scotland game was far more entertaining, an early try for Wales seeming to get things going, matched by a try from Scotland within 15 minutes. What followed was a see-saw affair before Scotland just seemed to run out of steam towards the end. The last game of the weekend looked like it might produce an upset with Italy taking an early lead but once England got ahead it was virtually one way traffic scoring some nice trys in the process.

Six Nations 2016 Week 3 Round-up

Week 3 and the reason why Wales were strong favourites before this years Six Nations started finally comes to the fore. It also proved just how random the French team but the end result was that next weeks game between Wales and England is very likely to be a tournament decider. In the other games Scotland finally got a well deserved Six Nations win coming out comfortable winners against an unusually lack lustre Italian team who normally play much better at home. The final game of the weekend saw England power past Ireland in what was a very close game until a couple of quick tries settled the game in the second half.

Six Nations 2016 Week 4 Round-up

Week 4 and it’s all over, I don’t think anybody saw that coming! In what is a polar opposite to last years last round nerves this years tournament has been sewn up early. A dominant first half performance by England over Wales was enough to take them clear at the top of the table and with only France standing a chance of stopping them, their defeat to Scotland on Sunday was enough to hand England the Six Nations trophy. All that is left now is to see if they can complete the Grand Slam when the play France in Paris in their last game.

Six Nations 2016 Week 5 Round-up

England secure a first Grand Slam since 2003, Scotland continue to impress but lose narrowly away to Ireland and Wales produce the most one sided contest of the whole Six Nations by demolishing a lack lustre Italy on Welsh soil. Overall then English fans will be delighted with how the 2016 Six Nations went but I feel for the neutral who will feel a bit let down after the drama of the 2015 tournament.

Six Nations 2016 Results

Sat 6th Feb 14:25 – France 23 – 21 Italy (BBC)
Sat 6th Feb 16:50 – Scotland 9 – 15 England (BBC)
Sun 7th Feb 15:00 – Ireland 16 – 16 Wales (ITV)
Sat 13th Feb 14:25 – France 10 – 9 Ireland (BBC)
Sat 13th Feb 16:50 – Wales 27 – 23 Scotland (BBC)
Sun 14th Feb 14:00 – Italy 9 – 40 England (ITV)
Fri 26th Feb 20:05 – Wales 19 – 10 France (BBC)
Sat 27th Feb 14:25 – Italy 20 – 36 Scotland (ITV)
Sat 27th Feb 16:50 – England 21 – 10 Ireland (ITV)
Sat 12th Mar 13:30 – Ireland 58 – 15 Italy (ITV)
Sat 12th Mar 16:00 – England 25 – 21 Wales (ITV)
Sun 13th Mar 15:00 – Scotland 29 – 18 France (BBC)
Sat 19th Mar 14:30 – Wales 67 – 14 Italy (BBC)
Sat 19th Mar 17:00 – Ireland 35 – 25 Scotland (ITV)
Sat 19th Mar 20:00 – France 21 – 31 England (BBC)

Six Nations 2015 Week 1 Round-up

Great start to the tournament, Wales ran out of steam in the second half against England. The score in the Italy Ireland match flattered Ireland a little bit and then Scotland put up one hell of a fight away to France. It looks like it’s going to be a really competitive Six Nations, Ireland and England will be the early favourites but that can all change next week with Wales or Scotland likely to come right back into the frame.

Six Nations 2015 Week 2 Round-up

What can you say about Scotland? Narrowly beaten by France and now narrowly beaten by Wales. Have they improved? Of course they have but they are just left in the unfortunate position of being the nearly men, if only they could convert more of their try scoring positions they’d be right up there. In the other games England did what was expected of them at home to Italy, all be it after a very sticky start. Ireland were once again rock solid, not spectacular but they ground down a French team that just never seem to get it right away from home. No doubt what is going to be the game of the 3rd weekend of Six Nations action, Ireland vs England looks like being a championship decider.

Six Nations 2015 Week 3 Round-up

So much for Ireland vs England being a championship decider, after this weeks games it looks like we are in for another “decider” in round 4 when Wales play Ireland. Round 3 was a bit of a disappointment in this years Six Nations. Whilst England failed to turn up in Ireland (what happened to the running rugby of previous games?), Ireland did a workman like job on them, France proved what a true Yo-Yo team they are, this time under performing at home to gift Wales a shot at the Six Nations title. Wales took full advantage of what was on offer. By far the best game of the weekend was Scotland versus Italy, I’m not sure how many people would have thought that before the games started? Kudos to Italy for what is only their second ever away win in the Six Nations tournament, only the most die hard Scot would argue it wasn’t well deserved as once again Scotland failed to make the most of their opportunities.

Six Nations 2015 Week 4 Round-up

It looks like nobody actually wants to win this years Six Nations! By beating Ireland ( and well beaten at that) Wales have opened up thee championship giving themselves, England and Ireland a chance of taking the trophy in the last round of games. All things being equal it looks like the 2015 Six Nations is going to go down to points difference.

Six Nations 2015 Week 5 Round-up

The best last day of a Six Nations in recent history? We had it all and who’d have thought that a disallowed try by Scotland would prove to be so pivotal in deciding who would take home the trophy? The day started with the best Welsh team in history (seriously Welsh BBC pundits, you need to take a step back) annihilating Italy to put themselves right in with a chance. The Ireland did the business against Scotland, their best performance of this years competition by the way. And that set us up for a grand stand finale at Twickenham, and one of the best England France encounters I can ever remember. Kudos to both teams. The end result was Ireland taking the trophy for the second year in a row, England 2nd and Wales 3rd, all teams finishing on the same number of points. Similar again next year boys would be spot on.

Six Nations 2015 Results

Fri 6th Feb 20:05 Wales 16 – 21 England
Sat 7th Feb 14:30 Italy 3 – 26 Ireland
Sat 7th Feb 17:00 France 15 – 8 Scotland
Sat 14th Feb 14:30 England 47 – 17 Italy
Sat 14th Feb 17:00 Ireland 18 – 11 France
Sun 15th Feb 15:00 Scotland 23 – 26 Wales
Sat 28th Feb 14:30 Scotland 19 – 22 Italy
Sat 28th Feb 17:00 France 13 – 20 Wales
Sun 01st Mar 15:00 Ireland 19 – 9 England
Sat 14th Mar 14:30 Wales 23 – 16 Ireland
Sat 14th Mar 17:00 England 25 – 13 Scotland
Sun 15th Mar 15:00 Italy 0 – 29 France
Sat 21st Mar 12:30 Italy 20 – 61 Wales
Sat 21st Mar 14:30 Scotland 10 – 40 Ireland
Sat 21st Mar 17:00 England 55 – 35 France

Six Nations Week 1 Round-up

A decent start to the Six Nations this year with the undoubted star game being France vs England, a true game of 2 halves and one that just goes to show how close games can be at this level. In the other games Wales and Ireland had similar games, slow to start but once they got going they were both clear winners over Italy and Scotland respectively. Here are video highlights of all the games:-

Six Nations Week 2 Round-up

I think we can all agree that Ireland vs Wales didn’t really live up to the build up, I was expecting an extremely tight almost title deciding game. Instead the Welsh barely turned up and in the battle of brains over brawn the brains won out comfortably. I’m going to be careful not to say too much though because I went overboard on Wales last year and was made to look a right tit! The other 2 games were pretty much standard and this week was always going to be the most predictable with England and France taking comfortable wins over Scotland and Italy. Six Nations 2014 Round 2 video highlights are below:

Six Nations Week 3 Roundup

I was away on a ship that advertised as having a local pub. Unfortunately the pub only became a pub when there wasn’t a music quiz on for the geriatrics so I missed all of these games! Gutted.

Six Nations Week 4 Roundup

Ireland destroy Italy, nothing much new in that because Italy have to be one of the worst away teams I think I’ve ever seen, the difference between their home and away performances is something to behold. Other than that there was a very tight game between France and Scotland that the French just edged (another team very poor away from home) and finally England beat Wales to secure a Triple Crown and maintain their hopes of lifting the Six Nations trophy. The final day of matches should prove to be a cracker with England hoping to generate a cricket score against Italy (a whole different prospect with the Italians at home) in order to put pressure on Ireland who travel to France in the last game of the day. Whilst Ireland are in pole position on points scored it could still go either way.

Six Nations Week 5 Roundup

The Six Nations 2014 ends with a dream result for the Irish and especially Brian O’Driscoll who ends his final game with a Six Nations trophy. It was one of those days that had to involve the pub and we were there for an early start to watch England destroy Italy. It’s just a shame that a few defensive slips and the decision to make so many replacements later on could have cost England an even bigger victory. Wales did show them how it was done with a thumping victory over a Scottish team that looks like it’s going to need a lot of work. That just left the final game of the tournament, could Ireland get that ever so rare victory away to France. Being St Patrick’s weekend we soon found out why so many tables had been reserved in the pub (yes, a pub where you couldn’t find a seat all day because people had reserved tables, won’t be going back there again!). Five minutes before kick-off the Irish hoards descended and we were treated to a game that could have gone either way, right up until the final minutes when France had a try disallowed on video ref evidence. It was a great day, topped of by winding up a few of our Irish cousins but it just goes to show what a great sport rugby is and what football fans could learn from the rugby crowd. Congratulations Ireland.

Six Nations 2014 Results

Sat 1st Feb 14:30 Wales 23 – 15 Italy
Sat 1st Feb 17:00 France 26 – 24 England
Sun 2nd Feb 15:00 Ireland 28 – 6 Scotland
Sat 8th Feb 14:30 Ireland 26 – 3 Wales
Sat 8th Feb 17:00 Scotland 0 – 20 England
Sun 9th Feb 15:00 France 30 – 10 Italy
Fri 21st Feb 20:00 Wales 27 – 6 France
Sat 22nd Feb 13:30 Italy 20 – 21 Scotland
Sat 22nd Feb 16:00 England 13 – 10 Ireland
Sat 8th Mar 14:30 Ireland 46 – 7 Italy
Sat 8th Mar 17:00 Scotland 17 – 19 France
Sun 9th Mar 15:00 England 29 – 18 Wales
Sat 15th Mar 12:30 Italy 11 – 52 England
Sat 15th Mar 14:45 Wales 51 – 3 Scotland
Sat 15th Mar 17:00 France 20 – 22 Ireland

Six Nations Week 1 Roundup

Well as far as starts to the Six Nations go I think most people would agree that the 2013 tournament would take some beating! To get the worst out of the way first the poorest game was definitely the England vs Scotland game. Scotland turned up with much hype over how close these games have been for the past 3 years but it was as easy a win for England at this level as you are ever likely to see. But don’t let that fool you into thinking it was a “bad” game, there was a lot of running rugby, the English centre was very impressive and compared to some games in previous tournaments it was a fantastic match! Just a shame that it couldn’t match up to Wales against Ireland and Italy versus France. The Welsh, Irish game was the ultimate game of 2 halves. The Irish blitzed the first half and then seemed to enjoy sitting back in the second whilst Wales took lunking great chunks from their lead. Alas, it wasn’t enough to stop Wales creating a new losing streak record of 5 home games lost in a row. I said before the tournament I couldn’t see where the Welsh optimism after the Autumn internationals was coming from and I stick to that now. Yes they did well in the second half but only after the Irish slowed to crawling pace. The Sunday game of Italy against France was the game of the weekend for me. I’d tipped France as favourites for the whole tourament before this game and how wrong could I be?! Italy deserved everything they got, it’s not worth writing about, if you didn’t see it hunt down the highlights on the web!

Six Nations Week 2 Roundup

Do we blame the weather or was week 1 just an anomoly? Who knows but week 2 of the 2013 Six Nations was a shocker. England out battled and kicked a fairly tame Ireland, Italy did what they always do away from home and the Welsh returned to winning ways against the worst French performance I can remember in recent history. But I really can’t be bothered writing too much about the actual quality of the rugby, instead just watch the rather short highlights. Ireland vs England. Scotland vs Italy. France vs Wales.

Six Nations Week 3 Roundup

Not a lot of great rugby was played again this week but we there was plenty of gritty action and we got to welcome France to the 2013 Six Nations tournament. Wales started to look good against an Italian team that are always a difficult opponent at home, if anything it looked as though the Italians were suffering from not having their captain and usualy number 8 on the pitch but kudos to Wales for taking advantage. The Scotland vs Ireland game was one of the most one sided games in Six Nations history! Posession and territory heavily dominated by Ireland but then Scotland won the kicking match and actually won the game! I think the Scottish commentary team were in shock! England vs France was all about France showing up and putting in any sort of a performance and for the majority of the game that’s exactly what they did. The first half was very tight and then thanks to some dodgy substitutions England were given the opportunity to build a meaningful lead and ran out comfy winners. The biggest disappointment of the game was Chris Ashton again, I don’t know what it is with that bloke but he appears to be believing his own hype, constantly winding up opponents with “footballer” style niggles and then generally being shit when he gets the ball. But anyway, week 3 done and it’s only England that have a chance at the Grand Slam although Wales and Scotland (yes Scotland) are still in with a chance of taking the Six Nations title.

Six Nations Week 4 Roundup

From the best first week things have been slowly slipping down hill ever since, the situation around the scrums has totally spoilt the game for me. Highlights of the games:- Scotland vs Wales Ireland vs France England vs Italy

Six Nations Week 5 Roundup

Week 5 from the 2013 Six Nations shall forever be known as the day when things went back to normal. Italy produced a storming home performance (to be fair to them on the back of a great away day versus England) to beat the Irish and spoil what may be Brian O’Driscoll’s last game for the Irish. Scotland were well beaten by the French who although picking up their first win of the tournament were unable to avoid the wooden spoon, something I’m sure which will delight the Italians. Finally we have the title decider and as we said earlier, things back to normal, an English international team froze completely and went rapidly from Grand Slam hopefulls to 15 blokes bumbling around a pitch looking lost. For rugby fans at least the last set of games produced some good rugby with some tries because to be honest the previous 3 sets of fixtures had been dire as I’m sure will be reflected in the TV viewing figures when they get released. To attract new fans to rugby there has to be more of a flow to the game and it seems with how the rules are being interpreted in the northern hemisphere at the moment that’s just not happening. Anyway, congratulations to Wales for turning around their tournament and running our deserved winners, I’m sure I called that back in week 1…(or maybe not ;))

2013 Six Nations Results

Sat 2nd Feb 13 13:30 Wales 22 – 30 Ireland
Sat 2nd Feb 13 16:00 England 38 – 18 Scotland
Sun 3rd Feb 13 15:00 Italy 23 – 18 France
Sat 9th Feb 13 14:30 Scotland 34 – 10 Italy
Sat 9th Feb 13 17:00 France 6 – 16 Wales
Sun 10th Feb 13 15:00 Ireland 6 – 12 England
Sat 23rd Feb 13 14:30 Italy 9 – 26 Wales
Sat 23rd Feb 13 17:00 England 23 – 13 France
Sun 24th Feb 13 14:00 Scotland 12 – 8 Ireland
Sat 9th Mar 13 14:30 Scotland 18 – 28 Wales
Sat 9th Mar 13 17:00 Ireland 13 – 13 France
Sun 10th Mar 13 15:00 England 18 – 11 Italy
Sat 16th Mar 13 14:30 Italy 22 – 15 Ireland
Sat 16th Mar 13 17:00 Wales 30 – 3 England
Sat 16th Mar 13 20:00 France 23 – 16 Scotland

Six Nations Week 1 Roundup

For this years Six Nations I’m going to do something a little different with my weekly round ups. I’m going to try and sum up the whole weekends action in 1 word so to get things started I’d like to offer up the word “tight” for the first week of the 2012 Six Nations. Although being fair I could have quite easily used the word “crap” up until the point where the Ireland Wales game kicked into life. France fail to seam roll Italy in quite the fashion everybody was expecting with France playing at home, Scotland vs England was the worst game of rugby I can remember watching in a long time. But all this was made up for when Ireland and Wales put together one of the best games of international rugby union in the last 10 years, only ending with a spectacular last minute win for Wales.

Six Nations Week 2 Roundup

For this weeks “Word Of The Week” I think we are best off sticking with Cold! Just when you thought it couldn’t get any colder than the Italy versus England game we found out that the France vs Ireland game was going to be postponed due to a frozen pitch, bad time all around. In the games that did take place England eventually came out on top versus Italy despite the Italians leading at half-time due to 2 late tries. England had to thank another Charlie Hodgson charge down and the excellent kicking skills of Owen Farrell for their win. Despite being poor in both games England are now 2 wins out of 2 but with more sterner challenges to come. In the other game Wales took on Scotland and despite a brave effort by the Scotts ended up winning comfortably 27 points to 13. There was one major downer though and that was the injury to their winger and arguably player of the tournament so far George North. The man mountain had to go off with ankle damage and it’s not clear yet whether he’ll play any further part in the 2012 Six Nations.

Six Nations Week 3 Roundup

There is only 1 possible word that would fit this weeks Six Nations round-up, Irony. The irony of an England team finally turning up and showing what they are capable off only then to lose. Really? Two weeks of utter rubbish that resulted in wins and then 1 weeks where we get entertaining, skilful, free flowing rugby and they lose! On the positive side for Wales it is going to take a very good team to stop them doing the Grand Slam. Will the French be able to stop them, I have a sneaky feeling not. In the other games Scotland put in a real shift against the French and were unlucky to go down 23 points to 17, a game that also saw a couple of nasty injuries. The first game of the weekend saw the usual Italian away team turn up, how a team can play so different home and away is anybodys guess? Either way they got steam rolled by the Irish 42 points to 10. At least we got to see some great rugby this week, to be honest the first 2 weeks of the 2012 Six Nations were not exactly ball breaking excitement were they?

Six Nations Week 4 Roundup

Seeing as how we were treated to 3 fantastic games this weekend I think it would be rude to choose any other word than Awesome (in a fake American accent) to describe what we saw. Things started off well with a game that was supposed to be a Welsh annihilation of the Italians but it never really turned out like that. The Italian tackling in the first half was a thing of beauty, but it was no real surprise to see them tire later on in the game and the Welsh run out clear 24 points to 3 winners. It was still a brilliant game and for 60 minutes it could have went either way. The same could be said of the Ireland, Scotland game. When Scotland went 6 points up early doors I’m sure many Irish fans were worrying that their bogey team were going to haunt them once again. It wasn’t to be the case in the 2012 Six Nations though because a free running Ireland team were scoring tries where the Scottish were restricted behind the game line most of the time. After 80 minutes we’d all witnessed a real belter of a rugby match with the 32- 14 score somewhat flattering the Irish. Then finally we get to the game of the weekend. At last we see an English team not kicking the ball away at every opportunity. At last we get to see and English team playing the French at their own game. It was one of the best games in the Six Nations for many a year, you’d be much better of finding a highlights video than reading about it, so that’s what I suggest you go and do!

Six Nations Week 5 Roundup

Lets end this years Six Nations with our final word….DRUNK. That sums up things perfectly. I can remember Italy getting a deserved win against the Scottish but from that point onwards things got a bit blurry. But apparently Wales won the Grand Slam and England one with ease against the Irish. Who’d have guessed it. Same again then next year lads ?!

Six Nations Week 1 Roundup

I have an admission to make, I decided to kick of the 2011 Six Nations by having a few friends around the house so the memories of the Wales ?? England game might be a little jaded! OK, very jaded. I think it would be fair to sum it up as this though, England started well, invited Wales back into the game but just about deserved to hold on for 26-19 win, fair? Perhaps most importantly for fans of running rugby the 2011 Six Nations continued where the Autumn Internationals left off. Sure there was plenty of kicking away possession in the first half an hour but once both teams settled down we were treated to some great rugby and some cracking tries. The second admission is that the fuzzy head didn??t help things on the Saturday either. Italy vs Ireland was a belter for different reasons. Talk about close to an upset? The Ireland game was littered with errors and it helped give Italy a sound footing in the game, the Italians just love playing at home and they came oh so close to a first ever Six Nations win over Ireland with a try in the last 5 minutes. Ireland were dire, no other words for it and they can thank o??Gara for saving any blushes with a drop goal in the last couple of minutes to give them a ??closer than close?? 13 points to 11 victory. If only Italy would have converted the try. The final game of the first weekend saw Scotland taking on France. Passion, pace, running and impact ?? another great game of rugby. Scotland seems to have lifted themselves a level above recent Six Nations efforts and had France under plenty of pressure for a lot of this game. However the French class told in the end and despite a great effort by Scotland France ran out 34 -21 winners. Scotland should not be too downbeat, with a little bit more of a cutting edge they could have caused a massive upset. So what can we conclude from the first weekend of the 2011 Six Nations? Ireland look off their game, England can be still be sloppy but France look bang on form and perhaps ready for back to back grand slams? We??ll see.

Six Nations Week 2 Roundup

England vs Italy – England on top all the way through and a proper good old fashioned stuffing. In Ashton England have one of those rare talents that always seems to find himself in the right place at the right time. Strangely enough even though Italy were shocking at the line out all through the game it was actually the source of their consolation try late on. It’s hard to understand how Italy can play so differently home and away in the Six Nations? England on this form will take some stopping. Scotland vs Wales was a much more competitive affair all around (not hard) and one that managed to throw the form book on the bonfire. After Scotlands performance against France the previous week great things were expected of them, however them took massive steps back. Wales on the other hand were resurgent. As soon as Wales scored early this game never really seemed to be in doubt, even when they went down to 13 men Scotland failed to take any real advantage. Shane Williams is another of those players that has a real talent for being in the right place. Finally, Sunday gave us the game of the weekend with Ireland playing France in a very tight game. I think it would be fair to say that everything that happened in this game was down to Ireland in one way or another. When they were good they scored tries, when they were bad they gave away endless penalties. France were consistent throughout and kept themselves right in the game with some excellent kicking, eventually running out 25-22 winners. An absolute cracking game to watch and one that Ireland could have easily of won with better discipline.

Six Nations Week 3 Roundup

The third week of this years Six Nations could really have been the decisive set of games in terms of deciding an eventual winner. The weekend started of with Italy versus Wales and what a brilliant game it was. I sound like an old record but Italy are so much better at home and there were none of the signs of weakness that the displayed against England in their last game. Wales struggled to build on their convincing win over the Scots but just about held out for a very hard fought victory (worth noting that if Italy could find a kicker they would have won this game!). Shortly afterwards it was the big decider, England vs France. Can I be honest here without appearing biased? England stuffed them! Other than some sloppy penalties England were far and away the more creative and direct team and it was every bit a deserved victory. Even more so considering some French students had gathered in the same pub as us – thank you fate, it’s not often I get to watch England win in the pub and I thank my lucky stars it was a day when the French were in town! The final game of the weekend saw Ireland travel the short distance to Scotland. Could Scotland get any worse than the previous game? Of course not, it was a much improved display that saw them lose by just 3 points to an Irish team that alough wasteful at times still look a force. After 3 games the Six Nations is still poised with England ahead (3 victories out of 3) with Ireland, Wales and France all on 2 wins. With England still having to play Ireland it’s certainly not all over yet.

Six Nations Week 4 Roundup

How many times have I written about Italy being a tough team at home tens, hundreds, thousands? It should come as no surprise then that when Bergamasco finally puts his kicking boots on they finally turn over one of the big teams. It should come as no surprise that this team would be the French this year either. I can’t tell you just how delighted I was for the Italians, that 22-21 result (A well deserved hard fought one) has made their year already. The French on the other hand were dire. Not one of them could hold their head up after that display and say they gave 100%. Wales gave themselves a slim chance of still lifting the Six Nations trophy with a dubious 19-13 win over Ireland. It was a very even game until a Scottish official made an almighty ballsup by allowing Wales to take a quick line-out with what was obviously the wrong ball. Not only that but he then confirmed without doubt that it was “the right ball”. Surely this sort of nonsense only happens in football? What it did show up though was just how irate team officials can get in rugby. Imagine how irate team/club officials would get if there was ??20-??30 million riding on it. Those figures are not far from the mark in big promotion/cup/title football games. Respect is all well and good until somebody mistake causes a club to go under and lots of people to lose their jobs. Just a thought. Anyhoo back to the Rugby. England were nervous as hell against the Scots. Personally I think the Italy result had put doubts in their minds as well as giving the Scottish a boost. A gutsy performance from the Scots which saw them hold England until half time was perhaps worthy of a draw? England’s fitness seemed to tell in the second half and they just about managed a 22 – 16 victory. Scotland have been so up and down in this years Six Nations, it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise if they got a good win in their last game. But the big question on everybody’s lips going in to the last week is…will England do the Grand Slam or will Ireland open it up for another team to lift the Six Nations trophy?

Six Nations Week 5 Roundup

The final week of the 2011 Six Nations gave us a chance to see just what a massive impact home advantage is in the Six Nations. There were comfortable wins for Scotland, France and Ireland. Obviously most significant in these was the Irish demolition of England. Within 10 minutes it was fairly clear to all but the most die hard English fans that the game was up and there would be no Grand Slam. It was a result that left the English needing some help from the French in order to take the Six Nations title. If Wales could have won by a big margin they could take the honours on the final day but it wasn’t to be. The French still smarting from the defeat by Italy the previous week were far from their best but still too strong for Wales. This only left the wooden spoon and completely true to form the Italians which had achieved the unthinkable only a week before were back to their away form worst. Scotland even managed to break their try scoring voodoo at home and ran in a couple. After this final weekend of the 2011 Six Nations that leaves England is the winners with Italy taking the Wooden Spoon. Bring on the World Cup I say!

2011 Six Nations Results

Fri 4th Feb 19:45 Wales 19 – 26 England
Sat 5th Feb 14:30 Italy 11 – 13 Ireland
Sat 5th Feb 17:00 France 34 – 21 Scotland
Sat 12th Feb 14:30 England 59 – 13 Italy
Sat 12th Feb 17:00 Scotland 6 – 24 Wales
Sun 13th Feb 15:00 Ireland 22 – 25 France
Sat 26th Feb 14:30 Italy 16 – 24 Wales
Sat 26th Feb 17:00 England 17 – 9 France
Sun 27th Feb 15:00 Scotland 18 – 21 Ireland
Sat 12th Mar 14:30 Italy 22 – 21 France
Sat 12th Mar 17:00 Wales 19 – 13 Ireland
Sun 13th Mar 15:00 England 22 – 16 Scotland
Sat 19th Mar 14:30 Scotland 21 – 8 Italy
Sat 19th Mar 17:00 Ireland 24 – 8 England
Sat 19th Mar 19:45 France 28 – 9 Wales

Six Nations Week 1 Roundup

What a brilliant weekend of Rugby, I’ve got to admit that there was far more ball in hand rugby than what I was expecting. Of course just like every first weekend of the Six Nations there were plenty of errors in each game but it all looks good for some free flowing rugby later on in the tournament. In the games Ireland were a little stodgy against Italy who themselves battled hard. England were impressive against Wales although even the most die hard English fan would have to admit the game was won when Wales were rightly down to 14 men. The importance of discipline in the international game shone through once again. The final game of the weekend saw France looking dangerous against a solid Scottish team. It was nice to see France on their game from the very beginning of the Six Nations. Player of the weekend had to be Mathieu Bastareaud, the 18 stone French center. He looked unstoppable and his second try against Scotland was awesome.

Six Nations Week 2 Roundup

Another weekend of superb Rugby action. I’ll get what was by far the worst game of the weekend out of the way first, England vs Italy. After the excitement of Saturday and Englands improved form against Wales the previous week this one was a shocker. Italy were much improved but even so nothing could hide the total lack of ambition from an England team that were happy to kick the ball in a completely aimless fashion time after time. France vs Ireland on the other hand was full of fast paced ball in hand Rugby. Well I say ball in hand but in Ireland’s case it was much more ball falling out of hand, I don’t think I can recall so many knock-ons from one team in a game. France were in top form and have surely got to be favourites for a grand slam with England being the only other possible Grand Slam nation. Bastareaud was in ominous form once again, showing a little more to his game including setting up a try and some hard hitting tackling. Ireland were below par for them but I doubt that even a top Ireland performance would have been good enough to beat a top French performance at the moment. That only leaves the game of the weekend and perhaps the best game the Six Nations has ever seen, Wales vs Scotland? It didn’t stop from the first minute, both teams full of ambition and Scotland playing out of their skins to build a sizable lead. Right up until the last 10 minutes. What followed can not be portrayed properly through words, the only thing I can do is recommend in the strongest possible way that you find the highlights of this game and watch it! (BBC iPlayer will have it). One of the best 10 minutes of rugby I can ever remember watching and a prefect advert for the 6 Nations. Not so much a player of the week this week, more a team of the week and I’m going to give that to Wales and Scotland jointly, if you didn’t see it then you really need to watch that game 🙂

Six Nations Week 3 Roundup

The third week of Six Nations produced a mixed bag of rugby. The highlight had to be the Wales vs France game on the Friday, France put themselves into a great position with a commanding lead in the first half but then seemed to completely relax in the second half. This gave Wales the chance to play themselves into the game, a chance they weren’t shy in taking. It couldn’t possibly happen again could it? When Shane Williams went over for only minutes to go I bet there were plenty of Welsh fans that believed it could happen! Alas France held on for a deserved win by kicking the ball straight out from the restart (a lesson their for Scotland maybe?). The second game saw Scotland play Italy. In a game that both teams see as their best chance for winning a game in the Six Nations this was always going to be a tight affair. Penalties were the order of the day with both side exchanging blows. It all game time to a frantic last few minutes in which Italy held on to secure a rare win in the Six Nations, the home crowd went nuts. To be fair to Italy their home form has been building and I don’t think many people would have been too shocked to see them win. Scotland always have a chance at home against England to avoid the wooden spoon. Talking of England, another sack of old shite. By far the most boring game of the weekend as they played out a dull as dishwater, take no chances game, against Ireland. Ireland won the game 3 tries to one and even though they had limited chances they looked to run the ball and take each one. A complete contrast to the English “pass sideways” or punt it play. It’ll be a good day when England finally wake up to the actually standard of rugby they are inflicting on their fans! When it comes to player of the week I’m going to give it to the Welsh wing Shane Williams, the little man was an inspiration again against the French.

Six Nations Week 4 Roundup

I’m going to keep this really short, I’m still gutted by the total lack of progress being made by England, not to mention the post match England camp spin machine spewing nonsense. England play the most unwatchable Rugby of any international team I’ve watched in the last 20 years. This wouldn’t be so bad if they were playing effective Rugby, but as was proven against Scotland they are not. A 15-15 (no trys) score says more about that game than anything I ever could. Luckily fur us rugby fans we had the other 4 teams to provide some top class ENTERTAINING rugby. The Ireland Wales game was compelling to watch, for the second weekend in a row Ireland seemed to be happy to sit back and pick apart their opposition at just the right time. The speed at which they were able to score was impressive and they ran out well deserved winners over the Welsh. Wales did have a bit of an off day but even at their best I don’t think they would have had the right answers to stop the Irish who if they would have had their kicking boots on would have won be even more. In the final game of the weekend on Sunday France destroyed Italy. Well that’s how it started, but by mid way through the second half Italy woke up and and even managed to score a couple of well worked trys. Perhaps that had something to do with France experimenting with their subs but even so all credit must be given to Italy for never letting their heads go down. It was a 1000% more enjoyable watch than the Calcutta Cup game. Man of the weekend is big Lawrence Dallaglio for having the balls to speak his mind and express how disapointed he was, good on him.

Six Nations Week 5 Roundup

What a great end to the Six Nations Super Saturday was. I’ll be honest here, I spent a large part of the day in the pub so some of the details are a little hazy, especially about the England game but I’ll do my best to sum up what happened. The first game of the day saw Wales take on Italy. Italy true to form were rubbish away from home, they always are! It was kept fairly close for the first half but as soon as the second half started Wales just blew them away with some decisive finishing. Next up was the game of the day for me, Ireland vs Scotland. From the first minute I got the impression that the Irish were only there for a party, turn up, beat Scotland, celebrate last game at Croke Park? Somebody obviously forgot to tell Scotland the script and the team which has been really unlucky this Six Nations actually got the luck in the last few minutes and a much deserved victory. I have never seen so many upset Irish lads in one pub. Johnny Sextant in particular came in for a lot of stick from his own fans. Last and for once not least it was England vs France at the Stade de France. Hands up if you were fearing the worst? My hands up. I was expecting a kicking England game and not only a hammering but also a really dull game. It was a massive surprise but a very pleasant one. The changes Martin Johnson had made to the team worked wonders and England fans were treated to a great display of running rugby. It wasn’t quite enough on the night to beat the French who fair play to them have been far and away the team of the tournament. A well deserved Grand Slam for France, no Triple Crown for the Irish and at last an English performance worthy of the name. A great day of rugby all around and a very sore head on the Sunday.

2010 Six Nations Results

Sat 6th Feb 14:30 Ireland 29 – 11 Italy
Sat 6th Feb 17:00 England 30 – 17 Wales
Sun 7th Feb 15:00 Scotland 9 – 18 France
Sat 13th Feb 14:00 Wales 31 – 24 Scotland
Sat 13th Feb 17:30 France 33 – 10 Ireland
Sun 14th Feb 15:30 Italy 17 – 12 England
Fri 26th Feb 20:00 Wales 20 – 26 France
Sat 27th Feb 14:30 Italy 16 – 12 Scotland
Sat 27th Feb 16:00 England 16 -20 Ireland
Sat 13th Mar 14:30 Ireland 27 – 12 Wales
Sat 13th Mar 17:00 Scotland 15 – 15 England
Sun 14th Mar 15:30 France 46 – 20 Italy
Sat 20th Mar 14:30 Wales 33 – 10 Italy
Sat 20th Mar 17:00 Ireland 20 – 23 Scotland
Sat 20th Mar 19:45 France 12 – 10 England